God, for how long?

Hello God. This is me Josua. My sufferings is so great God I think I'am out of mind, please God if you are there please help me. I must face my abusive dad. I feel really sad. Please God please. I need to go out of here. I can't take it anymore. Please God. I take my dad to mental hospital cause he want to kill my mom God, it breaks my heart. For you know, I tired of all this. This is nonsense anymore. I want to give up. I don't know if I can through all of this.it is make me depressed. I was diagnosed by psychiatrist that I have depression and anxiety. And of course the PTSD. Now I prescribed by my psychiatrist in Balige is alparazolam or you should know that antidepressant. Really am i can do it? Am I can pass this suffering? I don't know, but if you are there. Please by my humble desire is to keep my family in peace. I don't want Heaven. I just want peace. Please God. Just please. I really scared. I really anxious. And I felt numb. Please God, for how long did i will pass it? God, please. Please God. I am not strong I felt really scared. I just want happiness Am I will face it all the time? Please God. Give me some rest. Please I really want peace. Okay I must take a deep breath. But I don't know if future will become easily.

Maybe i must know that my suffering maybe big. But i know i can pass this.a


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